Friday, May 1, 2015

Wildcats Lesson Reflection

source Erin Byrd
Erin Byrd:
All-in-all I am incredibly proud of our presentation.  In honest reflection, I think that we could change a few things to make the presentation more interactive for the audience.  It may be a good idea to do an actual video of the class or students creating their Truffula trees or discussing their ideas for their own Google Presentations.  I think that we could have perhaps met at one of the schools we have all been observing or tutoring in and do an actual activity and video it.  Other than that, I feel that we all worked well together on this lesson and presentation.  I feel that we touched on all of the important topics covering our lesson plan and that we did an excellent job of allowing our peers to become part of our experience.

Megan Shoultz:
Over the past few weeks I found that our presentation was going to be amazing. With all the time and effort that we have contributed to this project, I feel that we, collaboratively, have created a thorough and effective lesson plan. I believe we could have improved upon our presentation by adding some short clips of our actual video taped. I would have also liked to have added a piece of the soundtrack from the movie. All of the topics that have been covered by our lesson plan will allow teachers and students learn more about their environment and how to keep it healthy and clean for the future generations. As a group I feel we were able to work together and cooperate.

Tabatha Girdlestone
In general I am pleased with our presentation. I think I would add more content to our presentation if we were to present again. If we were to add video clips of students actually working in groups, making Truffula Trees, and giving presentations then our presentation would have been more relatable for our audience. Overall I am pleased with our lesson and how our group worked together in our presentation.

Final Reflection Blog Post

Final Reflection Video

Monday, April 27, 2015

Technology and Teaching

Before taking EDM 310, I hadn't really thought much about how I was going to incorporate technology into my classroom.  I have children of elementary school age as well as secondary school age.  I have watched them progress rapidly over the past few years in their own technological education.  Honestly, my nine year old knew how to use Google Docs before I did.  I am now planning on using several different technological tools in my classroom.  I am excited to incorporate technology into my every day teaching regimen.  I think that it is really important for us as educators to stay current and in good understanding of the new technological advances in education.  I plan on creating most of my lesson plans with the SMARTboard.  I think that it in itself is a fabulous tool for both myself and my students.  I also plan on allowing my students to maintain a classroom blog so that they can share what they are learning with family, friends and other classes.  I will be using technology as much as possible in my classroom.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Wildcats Project 16 Blog Post

This project was done in collaboration with Megan Schoultz and Tabatha Ghirdlestone

Project 16 Group Blog Post
Using Technology in the Classroom
Using a Project-Based Approach to Learning in the Classroom


Using technology in schools is very important.  Students today rely on technology to do a good percentage of their classwork.  In doing this, the classroom is taken beyond four walls.  Teachers can invite other classes from around the world into their own by simply Skyping.  Blogs are also a creative way to incorporate technology in school as well as in the home.  Teachers and students can blog about what they are learning and then parents, friends, and family can read all about it.  I think it is a good way to get parents more involved and active in what is going on in the classroom.
Using technology in the classroom engages students and teachers to expand their search for new ways to create and learn. By using the internet teachers and students are able to broaden their research beyond the books and people that surround them. This also opens up opportunities to project-based learning in the classroom.
Project-based learning in the classroom is a different approach to the normal lecture and reading type of learning. Project-based learning is a fun and interactive way for students to learn and complete assignments. Along the way, students are not just completing assignments, they are learning life skills. Students are allowed to explore and discover new information on a topic by using the internet, create projects, and learn how to apply resources all within project-based learning. Project-based learning allows students to take learning into their own hands.

Blog Post 14

Problem: Professionalizing Teachers
Solution: Academic training, better recruiting or selection of teachers, proper compensation

Problem: Seniority Distraction
Solution: Terminating the least effective, demanding a knowledge base, formal set of peer relations, supervised internships, examinations

Problem: Radical Change
Solution: Merit-based career ladders, teachers board to police the profession, promotions based on specialty exams,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNHc-OUb97tiqTwXSREDiIKUIpEDBg&ust=1430190894617614

I am entering my senior year of college now.  I am really looking forward to fulfilling my dream of being an educator, a teacher!  However, I am nervous about the process.  I have several friends that are already teachers in public and private schools.  I know that for some of them it has been a great struggle to keep their position.  This is not due to their performance or their ability.  Most of them do not have tenure.  I only have a few friends that have received tenure and are not in danger any longer of being pink slipped at the end of the school year.  This frightens me to no end!  I love teaching! I want to teach!  I am going to school to learn all that I can to be a good and efficient teacher. BUT, that is not where this journey ends!  To be a great teacher these days, you have to know the right people, have connections, get great references, not create enemies with parents or students that you have taught in the past....the list goes on.  For today's teachers, you must walk a very fine line.  That line is riddled with rules and expectations.  None of which are actually taught to us in our own educational path to become teachers mind you.  I agree with Albert Shanker in that we need to create a system in which teachers are promoted or not promoted due to their ability not their time.  I am older than most of the students I call my peers here.  I am older than most of my friends that are already teachers.  This does not mean that I know more or that I am more capable of being a teacher.  My point being, just because a teacher has been teaching for more than 5 years, does not mean that they are still effective or even good.  It just means that they have done a good job for who they report to.  I know of a few teachers that are way behind the technological times and they need to be re-educated on these things.  I know of a few teachers that struggle when doing anything remotely technological.  They simply have not had the instruction.  I think that teachers should be required just like doctors and lawyers and even nurses to maintain a certain criteria and a level of excellence.  I think that we should, as educators be responsible for keeping ourselves up to date on current technology as well as methods of instruction.

Blog Post #5 Part 2

Since the beginning of the semester, I have increased my usage of several of my social media pages.  I have become more familiar with Twitter and feel more comfortable using it.  Instead of using Facebook just for personal posts, I have started using it to find topics and pages about current events and other topics.  I think that these are powerful tools for us to utilize.  We can get other people to give their opinions and ideas.  I am using Symbaloo but I have not really gotten into using it as much as I would like.  There are so many tools to use and I am still trying to find time to get used to them all.
There are always going to be new and innovative tools and websites to use for us both personally and in business.  In our cases, education, can be so much more engaging when we use the internet and allow students to explore the wide world via technology.


C4K Pearce H

This young man has some interesting views.

Mrs. Erin Byrd (Guest)
Your comment is awaiting moderation. 
I think it is always important to be kind. You can critique someone else’s work without insulting them or hurting their feelings. There is no reason to be cruel. Honestly, I think it is more efficient and more effective when you are being kind in giving a peer review. Sometimes people let their emotions get in the way when they are commenting and in turn, they end up making a seemingly innocent comment a huge insult. 

I think this is a great post. Keep up the good work.

here is the link to his blog:
Pearce H

Wildcats Lorax Lesson Plan

Here is the lesson plan from Wildcats Erin Byrd, Megan Schoultz & Tabatha Ghirdlestone

Saturday, April 25, 2015

C4T Summary

Henrietta Miller's Classroom Chronicles Blog:

here is my post comment
I would love to find a list with quality children's literature! At this point I am ready to just grab a bunch of books and start reading them before I pass them to my children to read. Don't get me wrong, there are some great books out there for our youth to read, but I need to know content and if it is age appropriate for my children. My children all love to read and it is hard for me to turn them loose in a book store and trust that what they pick up is a quality book and not just a paperback bound load of junk. I love your blog! I am new to blogging and yours is simply amazing! I now have blog envy! Thank you for your posts! They are great reads and very useful!

Classroom Chronicles

Erin Byrd            ReplyApril 19, 2015 at 9:33 pm
You must be open to change. You must also be willing to learn something new and current to teach the students of today. They already know more than most of the older teachers due to technology. You would think that rather than turn their noses up to project based learning, they would do everything in their power to accept and embrace a new and engaging way to get their students to be eager to learn.
Snuffing Out Our Own Progress

  1800 education

Sunday, April 19, 2015

C4K Summary

I love reading all of these blog posts from actual students.  I have yet to read one that is not both exciting or clever.  These students are really engaging in their own education and using their creativity in new and innovative ways.  Here are my comments to several of my assigned students.

children holding hands

#3 Jamaya
  1. Erin Byrd (Guest)
    Your comment is awaiting moderation. 
    I adore this bucket list!! You are planning on enjoying life! Most importantly, finishing high school, that’s a must! I do see some kind of culinary brilliance in your future! Meeting new people is also a very important goal! You never know who you might meet and what that person might be able to help you accomplish! I wish you the best in your future!

#2 Andony
Mrs. Erin Byrd (Guest)
Very vivid poem! You did an excellent job of describing your emotions.

(Here is the link to his blog post)

#1 Pearce
Great post! As a parent, I personally think the best way to use them is by making them go off when my children are not willing to get up in the morning for school!! But they are also used for other reasons, such as, during hockey games to signal a score.

Blog Post #13

Mrs. Byrd's 1st Grade
For homework, look around your home and find objects that can be re-purposed or reused.  Create a new item with your found objects.  Then bring the recycled item to school by Friday.  You will then create a blog post on what you found, how you re-purposed it, and what you learned from this experiment.  You will also need to be prepared to share with the class.

Blog Post 1
I found some water bottles in our recycling bin at my house.  I used scissors to cut the water bottles into two pieces.  I then used a pencil and made some holes in the lids of the water bottles and screwed them on tightly.  I taped the bottles back together with the lids down inside the bottom ends.  I filled the top part with the soil and put in an acorn seed from my yard.  I poured water in the bottles until the lid was under water. 
After a few weeks of watering and sunlight, now there is a baby tree growing in my window.
You can use an old milk jug as a watering can for your plants.  I have tried to continue using jars and other types of reusable plastic around the house.  Instead of buying ziploc bags and new jars and canisters to store food in, I am just reusing old ones.  Sanitize them in the dishwater and they are ready for new life.
Oak seedling

C4T Scott McLeod

Erin Byrd            ReplyApril 19, 2015 at 9:33 pm
You must be open to change. You must also be willing to learn something new and current to teach the students of today. They already know more than most of the older teachers due to technology. You would think that rather than turn their noses up to project based learning, they would do everything in their power to accept and embrace a new and engaging way to get their students to be eager to learn.
Snuffing Out Our Own Progress

  1800 education

Saturday, April 11, 2015

C4T Summary

Reading the blog posts of my peers is always interesting.  However, reading the blog posts of educators and other teaching enthusiasts enriches and engages me to explore more ideas and tools to enhance my own future classroom.  They inspire and are very comforting in their blogs.  It is nice to read the actual thoughts of a teacher and delve into their world a blog post at a time.
source search for teachers

#2 "Live the Conversation"

I am currently obtaining my degree in elementary education after several years in the work force as a office manager. I am happy to read about your transition and the success that you are having. I chose to do a dual certification in both elementary and special education. I figure that if I get burnt out on one I can just transition to the other, and vice versa. Best of luck to you! It is good to know that you did not give up on your goal of making a difference in a students life. That is what makes an extraordinary teacher in my opinion. Best wishes.

#1 Bill Ferriter
I share your nightmare.  My worst fear with the technological advances being made in our public schools, here in my county, is that the students are going to suffer for not being truly taught the basic every day curriculum!  I see computers everywhere, teachers are showing slides, rarely standing to walk around and teach.  I love that we can incorporate technology into our classrooms, but I don't want it to take away from the actual learning that should be going on.  I think you are on to something here! I really enjoyed this post! Thanks!

EEK! I got a response!

Glad you dug this, Erin.
Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but at least here in the States where “success” is currently defined as “passing multiple choice tests” I can definitely see a future where corporations push products designed to “customize” learning experiences for individual students — where “customize” means ask different questions to quiet students sitting behind computers answering questions alone.
Policymakers will dig it because test scores will rise. Corporations will love it because it will create a huge new market for products and services. Kids will hate it because it will suck.
It frightens me.

Blog Post #12

Assistive technologies available to teachers….
Defined by the U.S. Department of Education, assistive technologies are any piece of equipment used to improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability.
source search for deaf blind technology

There are several blog pages here that are well worth a visit!  Here is one that is very insightful:
This blog is an excellent resource for teachers of special needs/education students. It opens up about students, parents, and other conflict situations.  It also speaks about ideas and projects that might help you in your teaching.  It encourages you to hang in there and continue your work with a high held head and confidence.  This blog is great for those teachers with trouble students or difficult parents.

This is truly astounding! I think that it would be better for Siri to slow down the pace of her voice but other than that, this technology is truly astounding!  Blind readers could enjoy some of the same technology regular sighted students could with absolute ease.  This may be one of the most amazing gifts given to education.  Being able to allow someone of impairment the same tools to learn as a regular education students is helping bridge the gap between special education and general education students.  This tool give the blind more access to the world around them.

At the very end of this video, the young lady, I believe says, "Thank you for seeing".  That to me, as a non-signing and hearing-capable individual, says thank you for watching.  This video is very enlightening.  Giving hearing or vision impaired students to ability to learn on the same level as general education students is monumental!  Technology has come so far and now being able to interact with the hearing or sight impaired is going to open so many doors for them as well as teachers and educators.  This video should open your eyes and your minds to what is possible through technology and assistive technology.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Project #14

I did a lesson plan for my tutee.  We worked on sequencing, fluency and accuracy.

Lesson Plan
Sequencing Worksheet

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Blog Post #11

Back to the Future
By asking simple questions, Mr. Crosby realized that his students needed to be more engaged.  The majority, of the students are English as a Second Language or live in poverty.  At the beginning of their school year, his students had a small curriculum, which limits their imagination.  Mr. Crosby did experiments with his students and then they were assigned to blog and post videos.  Mr. Crosby used these videos in collaboration with a history lesson and other Internet avenues.  The students learned a lot from their experiment.  They students learned to write a story, identifying themselves as the balloon.  Their experience was being deployed into the sky.  I think that Mrs. Crosby shows us that there are always ways to improve upon education, even when you have limited resources.  I think he teaches us to never give up or be defeated.  There is always another way if you push forward and look for new opportunities.  Students are in constant need of encouragement and positive reinforcement.  
source search for back to the future

Blended Learning Cycle
The "five E's": 
By beginning with an engaging question that challenges the students to investigate, students are able to explore.  Then you give explanation to the students and continue to expand upon your findings and evaluate them.  This process along with online, mobile and classroom learning is what the teacher refers to as a blended learning cycle.  The teacher in the video really puts great emphasis on the importance of having a hook and making sure that you pull the students aside individually to ensure they understand what they have learned.

Making Thinking Visible
Mark Church wants his students to now think about the challenge or puzzle of their entire topic in general.  This is very broad and I feel it allows the students to really engage and use their creativity more.  He is allowing his students to continually learn and expand upon their initial findings or initial questions.

Sam Pane 4th Grade
Mr. Pane is educating students on the safe way to utilize the Internet.  Students as early as Kindergarten are now learning how and using the Internet on a daily basis.  We must educate them, not only to protect themselves, but also educate them on the dangers and predators that lurk in cyber space.  The Internet can be full of dangers and not knowing how to properly use it is the most dangerous to us all, especially young impressionable children.  I think that Mr. Pane has a wonderful approach to educating students on the safety of the Internet.  I think that we should all, as educators, take the time to over-teach the importance of Internet safety to our students.  We should continually and consistently teach them on a weekly/monthly basis, and apprise them of any new dangers that could potentially cause them harm.

Project Based Learning
Three teachers collaborate to create a unique environment for their students to learn.  Having a non-segregated course, meaning not just one subject, these teachers are expanding project based learning as a team.  They met challenges and explored their opportunities together.  Working together as a team, I feel like these teachers are better implementing project based learning as a whole.

Roosevelt Elementary's PBL Program
Roosevelt Elementary begins using project based learning early on.  By doing this, it allows students more freedom with their imagination, but motivated real world life skills.  Public speaking is one of the lessons that these students are being taught.  I have always been terrified of public speaking.  I can remember learning how to speak publicly around 6th grade or so.  I really like the idea here of teaching these things at such an early age.  I think this gives them more confidence.  It also engages them to really get involved with the process.  Using project based learning incorporates life skills that help teach real world issues, teach students how to work independently as well as collaboratively and take control of their own learning.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Blog Post #10

I really enjoyed watching the video from Mrs. Cassidy's first grade class.  My youngest son is in first grade and this was very eye opening for me.  I have been in his class several times throughout the school year and they do some really great things with technology.  These students in Mrs. Cassidy's class are really adventurous with their education.  I loved how they explained how they go on Wiki and found the "people in Alabama".  They know how to be safe on the internet.  For me, that is most important with young children and young adults.  They use Skype to communicate with other classes and people.  I think that having such a young group of people learning something this advanced is quite astounding.  These students are all different and they are all learning together in ways that even most high school and college students can not compare to.
Image result for mrs. cassidy's classroom

I think that in my future classes, I will definitely teach my students how to correctly use the internet.  I will ensure that they know how to stay safe while using the internet, and how to find things of educational value.  I think that first educating students on the proper uses of internet technology is the most important tool that I can take away from Mrs. Cassidy.  I think that she has a terrific grasp on technology in elementary grades.  I am not so sure I would allow elementary students to create a Twitter account or even a Facebook account.  I think that Instagram is even a far stretch for me.  There are many parents that would not allow their children to have accounts on social media.  I think they would not feel safe.

I think it may also be a good idea to educate the parents of the students in our classes.  Perhaps even invite them to join in a class session on internet safety.  I think this would allow parents to have a feeling of control and also feel safer about what their child is doing on the internet.  In my children's schools here in Baldwin County, the tech department has VERY strict blocks set up for certain websites that are deemed inappropriate for children of school age.

Friday, March 27, 2015

C4K Summary #2

I enjoyed reading all of these blog posts.  Although there are many grammatical, spelling and punctuation errors, these are mostly very well written.

My comment on Anna Grace W's blog post
Mrs. Erin Byrd (Guest)
Your comment is awaiting moderation. 
I love your post! I love reading! Crime and mystery books are some of my favorites. This book sounds very interesting! I am a teaching student and am always looking for new books to read in my spare time. Keep up the good work on your posts! This is a terrific job.

Here is my comment for Adonnis

I am a college student. Looking back on my high school experience, I can honestly say I truly regret not keeping my eyes, ears, and mind more clearly focused on my studies and what my teachers were teaching. If I could go back in time and just have an hour with my high school me, I would tell her to be more academic and less social. It is great to have friends and fun. At that age it seemed to be so important. Looking back now, I wish I had focused more on making higher scores and grades than having fun with friends or worrying about what was going on outside the classroom.
I like your passion and belief in yourself. Keep thinking that way and I know that you will go so far in your future. It is important to believe in yourself. Have confidence and trust that you can do anything you put your mind to.
Good luck to you in your educational career and never stop learning.

My comment to Andrew
Mrs. Erin Byrd (Guest)
Your comment is awaiting moderation. 
I am taking some classes to improve my teaching skills. I was assigned your blog to observe. I must say, this is a very emotional piece. Animal abuse is a very serious crime and people are often not prosecuted for it. This must have been hard for you to research and write. I commend you on your candid response to what you found out regarding animal abuse. I encourage you to continue to find ways to help and advise people of ways to stop it.

here is the link for my comment:

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Blog Post #9

What can teachers and students teach us about project based learning?
Project Based Learning is an ever evolving tool for us as teachers.  We each have different styles of teaching. We each have different ideas and ways to teach those ideas.  I think that PBL is always going to benefit education in that there will always be better ways to teach something.  
There are so many possibilities with Project Based Learning.  I think that there is a plethora of variations to answer this question.  I do not have the same teaching style as my friend Miss Bailey does nor does she have my same style.  We can collaborate with one another and our fellow teachers/educators and come up with so many different ways to teach our students.  I think PBL is amazing in that there are so many opportunities for both we as teachers to teach our students and for our students to teach us as educators as well. 

project based learning

Smart Board Project #12A

Smart Board Demonstration

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Blog Post #8

I am inspired.
After watching the video by Randy Pausch, "Last Lecture", I admit I Googled him.  Knowing the loss that cancer can bring into ones life, I found that he was incredibly uplifting and inspiring.  What a brave thing it was for him to pass along his dreams and thoughts to those before him knowing that his end might be very near.  

"The inspiration and the permission to dream is huge," was, in my opinion, one of the most profound comments made by Randy Pausch in this video.  I find that statement to carry a lot of weight and clarity.  For a child, dreaming is almost as important as breathing, in my opinion.  A child has the world at their disposal.  All they need to do is explore it.

Randy's Childhood dreams were very creative and meaningful.  
His dreams were:
Being in zero gravity, playing in the NFL, authoring a book in the World Book encyclopedia, be Captain Kirk, win stuffed animal, be a Disney Imagineer.

My childhood dreams (noting the ones that I have already met*)
Become an artist*, be a ballerina*, be a marine biologist and swim with dolphins, get married and become a mom*, be a teacher, work for Disney making cartoons, (I am making my teacher dream come true right now....which is amazing).
I think that having dreams as a child is so very important to becoming an adult.  It helps you define who you are and what you are passionate about.

Image result for childhood dreams

Randy Pausch delivers a great commentary of the dreams he had as a child.  I loved how he depicted each aspect of his dream list.  He did get to experience zero gravity, but not so much his dream of being in the NFL.  I think his quote is a perfect fit for not getting what he actually wanted, "Experience is what you get when you didn't get what you wanted".  

I think that we can all learn a lot from Randy Pausch.  Take the time to further investigate him.  Find out about the books he wrote.  Pausch has some very insightful thoughts on achievement and what you can actually come away with when making the dreams of your youth come true as an adult and in life.  The program that he was part of at Carnegie Mellon University was and still is a perfect example of Project Based Learning.  In this video Pausch used the word "Edutainment", which I think is a great word to use when explaining Project Based Learning.  

"Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us know how badly we want things."


March 15, 2015

I have already been assigned this particular teacher to post on.  Since she only has two posts on her blog site and they are from 2013, I don't think that she is a current blogger.  However, just in case she does still maintain a vigil of her blog, I have chosen not to post again on the same blog post, rather just share again with my peers the lovely post that she made and my comment.  My comment has yet to be released to her blog and is not visible.  But, here is what I respectfully wrote:

here is the link to her blog

Erin Byrd says:
Your comment is awaiting moderation. 
“I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it”, Pablo Picasso.
I love your post. I agree with you that sometimes we make things bigger than they really are. I am just as guilty of doing that as you seem to be admitting. I am taking my Praxis Exam tomorrow and I am psyching myself out over it. Most of my peers have taken it already and they say it is simple. However, I have been out of school for far many more years than they have, so I feel their perspective may be divergent from mine! I have decided that I am just going to do my personal best and improve upon that. I have time and I can retake the portions I am lacking in.
Good luck to you with your dissertation proposal! What a great achievement thus far to even be applying for it. Congratulations and I look forward to keeping up with your blog and your progress.

Here is the link to my comment

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

My Sentence Part B

To my students:

To my parents:

Blog Post #7

This course continually shows us more and more about technology each week.  I am learning and doing things that I have never done before.  A month ago, I had no idea how to create or maintain a blog.  Today, turning in assignments and completing classwork, often is primarily composed through using online resources.  We college students turn in all of our weekly assignments and tests through our Sakai terminals.  Most of the paper works completed are done during class and are very few.  Professors and students alike communicate through the internet.  I think that technology makes communication more easily accessible and basically faster.
Teachers in today's classroom are learning how to provide more innovative and exciting ways to expand education.  Dr. Strange's YouTube video "Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten" shows us that we as college students need to get better equipped to educate our students.  Mrs. Davis, is an amazing media specialist and has been a great help to me in other classes.
Students are learning at a faster rate than we did in the past.  We as educators must realize that our students may soon be teaching us new ways to create and learn.  I know that my own children have helped me with things in this very course.  It is astonishing how quickly their young minds expand when technology is entered into the educational equation.  The idea of being a good teacher is a much more broad statement than it once was.  To be a good teacher, we all must better educate ourselves via technology.  We can not expect our students to learn from us if we are not thoroughly prepared.  Lesson plans must include vigorous technical implementation on top of the normal focus for the intended lesson.  Making our lessons more innovative and interesting will not only capture our students attention, but it will ensure that we are giving them our very best efforts in educating them.

Image result for student on ipad

C4K Summary

In following the posts made by these three students, I learned a lot of interesting new things.  These students did a very good job in  writing their posts.  There are the normal grammatical and vocabulary errors due to their age and grade status.  Overall, I found them to be incredibly insightful and well thought out.
Image result for student blog posts
Post #4
Here is the link for my C4K comment 
I love Will Smith! I am a college student improving upon my teaching skills. We have been asked to view your class blogs. I loved your blog post. I am quite older than you, so I have had the honor of watching Will Smith for many years. My all time favorite thing he has ever appeared in is a TV-series called The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. It is where he really started to become famous. I also love his music. You have chosen a very strong, smart and wonderful influential black male for yourself. Maybe one day you too will be just as famous and influential to another young man.
Good luck to you and keep up the good work.
Mrs. Byrd

Post #3
Mrs. Erin Byrd (Guest)
Your comment is awaiting moderation. 
I am taking some classes to improve my teaching skills. I was assigned your blog to observe. I must say, this is a very emotional piece. Animal abuse is a very serious crime and people are often not prosecuted for it. This must have been hard for you to research and write. I commend you on your candid response to what you found out regarding animal abuse. I encourage you to continue to find ways to help and advise people of ways to stop it.

here is the link for my comment:

Post #2
Here is the comment I left on "Amy C." post.

This is the link the her blog:

 Mrs. Erin Byrd

Hello Amy,

My name is Mrs. Byrd and I am taking a class at the University of South Alabama.  I love to learn and this class has led me to your blog.  I loved your post.  It is quite clear how passionate you are about acting.  I, however, am a bit torn.  I love the mystery and imagination that is involved in being on the stage.  I do not love the way I feel when I am on stage.  I sang when I was in high school, and every single time it came down to being on stage, I would literally shut down.  I suppose it is just stage fright and I would learn to get over it.  I applaud you for being so involved in your schools extracurricular activities.  Too often I see students that are not involved and they just have no passion for school.  It is just wonderful to see someone your age so passionate and eager to learn.  Keep up the enthusiasm.  Best of luck to you and your classmates on the play.  I will have to read.  You make it seem so appealing.

Feb 11, 2015, 9:54pm

Post #1

This is the post I added to "Amaya's" blog.

It shows as in the following way:

Mrs. Erin Byrd 
Your comment is awaiting moderation.                                              February 3, 2015 at 12:01 PM 

Hi Amaya, 
I’m curious about this story. Can you tell me more about it? I am also a student. I am in the College of Education at the University of South Alabama. 
Mrs. Byrd"

Here is the link: