Sunday, April 19, 2015

Blog Post #13

Mrs. Byrd's 1st Grade
For homework, look around your home and find objects that can be re-purposed or reused.  Create a new item with your found objects.  Then bring the recycled item to school by Friday.  You will then create a blog post on what you found, how you re-purposed it, and what you learned from this experiment.  You will also need to be prepared to share with the class.

Blog Post 1
I found some water bottles in our recycling bin at my house.  I used scissors to cut the water bottles into two pieces.  I then used a pencil and made some holes in the lids of the water bottles and screwed them on tightly.  I taped the bottles back together with the lids down inside the bottom ends.  I filled the top part with the soil and put in an acorn seed from my yard.  I poured water in the bottles until the lid was under water. 
After a few weeks of watering and sunlight, now there is a baby tree growing in my window.
You can use an old milk jug as a watering can for your plants.  I have tried to continue using jars and other types of reusable plastic around the house.  Instead of buying ziploc bags and new jars and canisters to store food in, I am just reusing old ones.  Sanitize them in the dishwater and they are ready for new life.
Oak seedling

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