Saturday, April 11, 2015

Blog Post #12

Assistive technologies available to teachers….
Defined by the U.S. Department of Education, assistive technologies are any piece of equipment used to improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability.
source search for deaf blind technology

There are several blog pages here that are well worth a visit!  Here is one that is very insightful:
This blog is an excellent resource for teachers of special needs/education students. It opens up about students, parents, and other conflict situations.  It also speaks about ideas and projects that might help you in your teaching.  It encourages you to hang in there and continue your work with a high held head and confidence.  This blog is great for those teachers with trouble students or difficult parents.

This is truly astounding! I think that it would be better for Siri to slow down the pace of her voice but other than that, this technology is truly astounding!  Blind readers could enjoy some of the same technology regular sighted students could with absolute ease.  This may be one of the most amazing gifts given to education.  Being able to allow someone of impairment the same tools to learn as a regular education students is helping bridge the gap between special education and general education students.  This tool give the blind more access to the world around them.

At the very end of this video, the young lady, I believe says, "Thank you for seeing".  That to me, as a non-signing and hearing-capable individual, says thank you for watching.  This video is very enlightening.  Giving hearing or vision impaired students to ability to learn on the same level as general education students is monumental!  Technology has come so far and now being able to interact with the hearing or sight impaired is going to open so many doors for them as well as teachers and educators.  This video should open your eyes and your minds to what is possible through technology and assistive technology.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Erin,
    I agree with you that it can be very special to a child with a disability to be able to learn on the same level as other children. There are lots of assistive technologies out there that make this dream a reality for many children. I hope as a future educator that I am able to provide my students with disabilities the same education as the other children. I wish you the best of luck in your studies!
