Upon watching the provided videos involving Mr. Anthony Capps and Dr. John Strange, I have come to be more intrigued and invigorated by the ideas behind both of these men. I was very leery about this course at the beginning of the semester. I have come to understand that there are great things to be learned from this course. I am doing thing on the computer and through internet and other venues that I never imagined I would be doing. I am engaging myself and excited for new opportunities. I think that Mr. Capps is a wonderful teacher. You can see the passion he has for education. The stories he tells of the students explaining to other adults that may stop by asking questions, and the students being the ones to give example, well that is just outstanding. I know that times have changed since I was in the third grade. We had absolutely nothing like the methods and equipment students have today. I think that following the path of Mr. Capps and Dr. Strange is one that all educators need to embrace and explore. It is beneficial to us as well as the students.
Project Based Learning is our future. We need to better embody the ways to teach by utilizing PBL methods and ideas. I feel like students as well as teachers learn more as well as being more engaged and interested in what they are doing. I will admit to falling asleep or dozing off in several of my previous classes. Had my teachers or professors done more to engage me, I may not have been so bored and might have actually learned more from the course. Some of the ideas and lessons that Mr. Capps has created, could be useful in my own classroom. I might also be able to improve upon them or take them to another level. Teaching doesn't just stop at one lesson. We all should work together and find ways to better each other. Project Based Learning helps us to do that.
Great post!